Retrieving Models

Once you have your models defined, you can use them to query the database for them. You can think of each Eloquent model as a powerful query builder allowing you to fluently query the documents associated with the model.

If you are looking for a single model you can use the find method to get an instance of a model matching the given id.

const book = await Book.find(22);


You can also get all the models in the collection.

const flights = await Flight.all();

flights.forEach(flight => {

When you are working with multiple models, you can use methods like where which returns an instance of a QueryBuilder. The Query Builder can be used to filter, sort, and limit your searches.

const blogPosts = await BlogPost
  .where('status', 'published')
  .where('categoryId', 4)
  .orderBy('publishedAt', 'desc')

blogPosts.forEach(post => console.log(post.title));

You can find out more about the different methods available by consulting the API documentation for BaseModel and QueryBuilder.

Aggregate Functions

Once you are happy with your query, you can use the aggregate functions available in Esix to perform calculations on the data set. The supported aggregates are average, count, max, min, percentile, and sum.

await Product.where('category', 'lamps').average('price');

await Product.where('category', 'lamps').count();

await Product.where('category', 'lamps').max('price');

await Product.where('category', 'lamps').min('price');

await Product.where('category', 'lamps').percentile('price', 50);

await Product.where('category', 'lamps').sum('price');